Heads up! New website coming!

So we’ve been busy working on a new website. It will look very similar to this one, but it will move toquetrad.com (instead of hosted on WordPress.com).

We’ll let you know when we have finished and provide simple instructions on how to sign up for the blog, e-mail updates and the events calendar.

We are doing it for a few reasons (mostly ’cause it’s fun to set up a web server and a stand-alone implementation), one of which is a much-improved calendar of events.

Currently, we have a Gmail iCal calendar to which you can subscribe with your favourite calendaring software or app. When we cut over to the new server, you will be able to add items directly from the site to your calendar, either as a single event (like the dance) or as a series (like the sessions for 2014). We will send events from the site to the Gmail calendar.

You can still get RSS feed updates or sign up for an e-mail digest to automatically see new posts.

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